Monday, February 20, 2012

Daily Kos: I weep for America

Daily Kos: I weep for America:

I weep for America

that someone like Rick Santorum could be seriously considered as a Presidential candidate by a major political party demonstrates that we are not the most advanced nation.

But it is more than that.

As attacks continue on teachers and on public institutions, as we continue in the direction of privatizing the commons, as we still cannot provide full medical coverage for all here regardless of their income, wealth, or immigration status, I look at other countries and I am ashamed.

I see an Amendment intended to separate Church and State being abused to impose one religious viewpoint upon the rest of us - it does not help that there are 6 Catholics, several from very Conservative strands of Catholicism, on the Supreme Court.

I see a nation unwilling to hold to account people who have done great wrong
- in the Bush administration
- in the financial sector that almost crashed the world's economy
- in the military when war crimes are committed

I see a politics that