Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Crazy-Think and Education Policy - Teacher in a Strange Land - Education Week Teacher

Crazy-Think and Education Policy - Teacher in a Strange Land - Education Week Teacher:

Crazy-Think and Education Policy

During the late 1940's, most people either looked the other way or cheered the process on when "accused Communists"-- their neighbors, their co-workers, their union leaders, sometimes their teachers-- were attacked in the press, hauled before congressional or state committee, and run out of their jobs.
Now people are doing exactly the same thing when public school teachers are being attacked by politicians and the press. They either avoid thinking about what is going on or tell themselves it must be the teachers' fault. The same thing happened when the Jim Crow codes were imposed in the South, and the Japanese were sent to internment camps. It's one thing to study this kind of inhumanity and indifference; it is another to see it unfold before your very eyes.

In the past week, I've seen two blogs (here and here) comparing what's happening at this moment in the fight