Friday, February 17, 2012

Beware Common Core and “dubious causality” | Thoughts on Public Education

Beware Common Core and “dubious causality” | Thoughts on Public Education:

Beware Common Core and “dubious causality” - by Kathryn Baron

The horse race of international rankings in education is based on misconceptions that can lead countries such as the United States to consider sweeping reforms that probably won’t improve academic achievement, according to a new report. The 2012 Brown Center Report on American Education released yesterday by the Brookings Institution makes a case against Common [...]

Senators: Don’t jam us on weighted formula - by John Fensterwald - Educated Guess

Senators on the Budget and Fiscal Review Committee generally praised the rationale and framework of Gov. Brown’s proposal to overhaul school funding in a four-hour hearing Thursday but questioned the details, timing, and the disparate financial impacts on school districts. One message came across clearly: They won’t be rushed into adopting Brown’s weighted student formula. “These [...]