Monday, January 9, 2012

Why is Public Education Being Outsourced to Online Charter Schools | Scathing Purple Musings

Why is Public Education Being Outsourced to Online Charter Schools | Scathing Purple Musings:

Why is Public Education Being Outsourced to Online Charter Schools

Its upon us quickly:

The last year alone has seen virtual schools dramatically expand across the country. According to the AP, “Ohio lifted a moratorium on new ‘e-schools,’ and Utah passed a ‘virtual voucher’ law,” which lets high school kids determine which classes they prefer to take online and at school. Another roundup by the Wall Street Journalincludes similar moves in Virginia, which signed off on 13 new cyberschools. Florida now mandates that high school students enroll in one online course at a minimum and Idaho has moved to implement a requirement for at least two online courses. Georgia offers an app that lets high-schoolers take classes on their smartphones, reports the Journal.

What better way than to have legislative allies create laws that will ensure a profit margin for their client.