Friday, January 27, 2012

Weekly Update, January 27, 2012: In Tucson racism is alive and well, Rahm bus(ted) in Chicago and other stories in education | Seattle Education

Weekly Update, January 27, 2012: In Tucson racism is alive and well, Rahm bus(ted) in Chicago and other stories in education | Seattle Education:

Weekly Update, January 27, 2012: In Tucson racism is alive and well, Rahm bus(ted) in Chicago and other stories in education

This has not been a slow news week so I’ll get started with all the news that fits.

First up, the teachers and students in Tucson. If you haven’t been following this story, I would recommend that you begin by watching Debating Tucson School District’s Book Ban After Suspension of Mexican American Studies Program on Democracy Now.

This story has a history to it. To read about it in detail, check out Save Ethnic and read about an action that was taken last year by students at a school board meeting when the board members were to vote on