Thursday, January 5, 2012

Van Roekel’s date with Kopp and Duncan not going over too well. « Fred Klonsky

Van Roekel’s date with Kopp and Duncan not going over too well. « Fred Klonsky:

Van Roekel’s date with Kopp and Duncan not going over too well.

Matt Damon is a friend of education, but no friend of Wendy Kopp.

When the 10,000 delegates to last summer’s NEA RA passed a critical New Business Item about Teach For America and another one sharply critical of Secretary of Education Arne Duncan, few of us thought that meant for IEA President Dennis Van Roekel to arrange a lunch date with both.

I guess he did.

And it’s not going so well for Dennis.

Valerie Strauss’s column in the Washington Post addresses the backlash to a USA Today column jointly written