Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Under Cuomo’s heavy hand, talks resume on city teacher evals | GothamSchools

Under Cuomo’s heavy hand, talks resume on city teacher evals | GothamSchools:

Under Cuomo’s heavy hand, talks resume on city teacher evals

The tense standoff between the city and the teachers union appears to be thawing in response to pressure from Gov. Andrew Cuomo, who has stepped forward in recent days to demand resolution to the conflict.

A United Federation of Teachers spokesman confirmed today that “informal talks” with the city have started up after nearly a month away from the negotiating table. Talks broke down in late December over whether a third party should judge the appeals of poorly rated teachers. As a result, the state cut the city off from $58 million in federal funds for struggling schools.

Last week, Cuomo issued an ultimatum to local school districts to settle their teacher evaluation issues within