Monday, January 23, 2012

Trial of Rutgers Student Dharun Ravi in Tyler Clementi Suicide Case May Be Televised « Student Activism

Trial of Rutgers Student Dharun Ravi in Tyler Clementi Suicide Case May Be Televised « Student Activism:

Trial of Rutgers Student Dharun Ravi in Tyler Clementi Suicide Case May Be Televised

The trial of Dharun Ravi, who as a first-semester Rutgers student in the fall of 2010 allegedly drove his gay roommate to suicide with anti-gay harassment, may be televised on cable.

Ravi is said to have spied on Tyler Clementi twice via webcam while Clementi and another man hooked up in the two students’ dorm room, and to have livestreamed the feed online, encouraging his Twitter followers to tune in.