Wednesday, January 4, 2012

This Week In Education: Reform: Will Reformers Ever Broaden Their Agenda?

This Week In Education: Reform: Will Reformers Ever Broaden Their Agenda?:

Reform: Will Reformers Ever Broaden Their Agenda?

image from www.esquire.comGeoffrey Canada's Harlem Children's Zone was their front. They might have loved "The Wire" but they didn't incorporate any of its lessons into their agenda. Skyrocketing child poverty rates didn't persuade them to pay more than lip service to broader social issues. Even universal preschool was too broad a challenge for them to take on in any meaningful way.

You might think that the last few months of awareness-raising around class would finally change all that -- would finally make poverty and other social issues a stronger part of the reform agenda. But it won't be a quick or easy shift, and