Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Support PURE! » PSAT for 1-3-12: New challenges for a new year

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PSAT for 1-3-12: New challenges for a new year

Ready for battle?

There are important opportunities coming up right away to voice your concerns about one of the greatest scourges of public education today: disruptive school closings/interventions.

Beginning this Friday, January 6, and repeating again, same time, same places, on Friday January 20, hearings will be held all over Chicago on the school district’s plans to shut down, turnaround or otherwise intervene in schools.

Then, between Monday, January 23 and Friday, February 3, additional hearings will take place downtown at Chicago Public Schools headquarters.

The full schedule is below. You can read about CPS’s plans and justifications for their actions at each schoolhere.


Schedule of community hearings, two for each of the following schools at the following locations: