Saturday, January 7, 2012

Shackles! « Cooperative Catalyst

Shackles! « Cooperative Catalyst:


Kids in America, by and far, have no choice but to go to school; it is COMPULSORY. While there, they have no choice but to have adults TEACH them every thing they need to know … that’s on the TEST. The kids quickly lose interest and find themselves wishing they were somewhere else, anywhere but here. So they leave for the afternoon. After all, there’s got to be something to learn somewhere.

It’s all too soon before the long arm of THE LAW reaches over to touch them on the shoulder. “Why you out here, kid?” That’s simple. There’s nothing in the joint that motivates me to stay. “Too bad, kid. I gotta take you in.” In? Where? Not back to that school, I hope. I can’t wait to escape. “Gotta book you.” Why, I did nothing wrong. THEY DID! “Truancy. Maybe next time, you’ll stay in there until they say you can go.”

Fiction? Not exactly. Consider today’s news article from Covington, Kentucky: Students Can Be Arrested for Playing Hooky. The director of pupil personnel (how would that make YOU feel if you were a student in those