Saturday, January 14, 2012

Seattle Schools Community Forum: Seattle High Schools

Seattle Schools Community Forum: Seattle High Schools:

Seattle High Schools

A request was made for a thread about high schools and parents' experiences with them. I did a quick check and it appears most high schools are having at least one daytime tour and one evening tour (Roosevelt and Hale seem to be the only ones with a single tour.) Again, while the tours aren't always the most fun, it is a very good way to get a feel for a building, see what gets emphasized, and, if it is during the day, to see the energy at the school.

My students attended Hale and Roosevelt. I think they both received a good education and were prepared for college. Each was a good fit for each son. (This is one reason I really feel unhappy about the lack of 10% set-aside seats under the NSAP. High school IS a big deal and you want your student to feel good about the school he/she attends. They need to feel a part of that tribe. That said, I know people who easily switched high