Saturday, January 14, 2012

Seattle Schools Community Forum: Randy Dorn Comes Out Against Charter Legislation

Seattle Schools Community Forum: Randy Dorn Comes Out Against Charter Legislation:

Randy Dorn Comes Out Against Charter Legislation

From OSPI, Randy Dorn on Education Reform:

January 2012 - State Superintendent Randy Dorn is pleased that education reform will be front and center during the 2012 legislative session. Dorn believes – and hopes legislators agree – that discussions around education reform must be mindful of the Supreme Court’s January 6 ruling on McCleary v. State, which held that the state isn’t providing adequate funding for basic education.
Here are Dorn’s positions on the major reform issues:
  1. Improve/remove.
    Teachers who are not successful ought to be given every opportunity to improve. If they cannot improve, superintendents need the flexibility to remove those teachers without employing current expensive and