Saturday, January 7, 2012

The Seattle Public School Brand and Charter Schools | Seattle Education

The Seattle Public School Brand and Charter Schools | Seattle Education:

The Seattle Public School Brand and Charter Schools

This was written by a Parents Across America, Seattle member:

‘Reform’ is a positive word in the American vocabulary, but in educational circles since No Child Left Behind, it has been a sheepskin clothing the proverbial wolf. It has meant, by and large, the agenda of business interests, mega foundations, and their surrogates to remake the American education system in their corporate image. But those of us concerned about pushing back against such reform have been at a disadvantage because we are too easily framed as “anti” reform, and as such complacent and obstructionist. So this statement of values is an attempt to provide a counter-frame that articulates a positive, proactive agenda—what we’re for—but in such a way to make clear the principles that govern why we are against what we are against.

Seattle Public Schools (SPS) has a very serious and well-deserved image or branding problem, and its new board has the responsibility to fix it. A brand is shaped in public perception by two primary factors. First, its