Saturday, January 21, 2012

School Tech Connect: Crane Community Rallies For Its School

School Tech Connect: Crane Community Rallies For Its School:

Crane Community Rallies For Its School

Heck of a night over at Malcom X.

CPS was having it's community hearing before destroying Crane High School right down the street. I'm far too tired to do a detailed piece, but let me just make some quick observations.

First of all, Crane showed up in force. These kids love their school, and they're not going to let it get "phased out" without a fight. I've been working with kids now since let's just say the early 80's, and I've never been so proud of young people as I was tonight.

There were some tense moments, and I'll post more about those later. I intend to post at least the audio track of every speaker.

Once again, two busloads of poor people were rounded up and sent in to play the part of pro-shutdown demonstrators. They didn't seem to have a clear idea about the purpose of the hearing, and several of them were