Tuesday, January 31, 2012

SB7 and the two narratives. What happens when the IEA leadership sits at the table behind closed doors? « Fred Klonsky

SB7 and the two narratives. What happens when the IEA leadership sits at the table behind closed doors? « Fred Klonsky:

SB7 and the two narratives. What happens when the IEA leadership sits at the table behind closed doors?

As I was sitting at IEA budget hearings last night watching the weird disjointed voice and image of IEA President Cinda Klickna do a Skype-like presentation, I kept thinking about the narrative the leadership wants us to accept about Senate Bill 7. Whether or not you accept that narrative is important for how you think about the next stage of the fight to defend our pensions and collective bargaining rights.

Make no mistake. There will be a fight for collective bargaining and pensions this year. Illinois is the target. Stand for Children has returned to the state following their embarrassing Jonah Edelman Aspen video episode. And now the charter-voucher snake oil salesmen from Democrats for Education Reform have set up shop here. DFER is funded by millionaire hedge fund manager Whitney Tilson.

Stand for Children considers Senate Bill 7 a great victory over teacher unions.

On the other hand, the IEA leadership claims Senate Bill 7 was a great victory over Stand for Children.

Which narrative