Sunday, January 29, 2012

Sabrina Stevens Shupe: Why the #EdSOTU Matters

Sabrina Stevens Shupe: Why the #EdSOTU Matters:

Sabrina Stevens Shupe


Why the #EdSOTU Matters

Posted: 01/29/2012 6:25 pm

Or, A Tale of Two Speeches)

Over at Teacher in a Strange Land, Nancy Flanagan asked, ""Who speaks for public education?"

I'd answer that a lot of people do (for better, and for worse) but we don't all get the same kind of microphone, or the same airtime.

After watching the State of the Union address Tuesday night, I found myself thinking about the differences between President Obama's statements on education and those of California Governor Jerry Brown.

In public statements over the past year, Governor Brown has said what many educators and parents nationwide have been saying for over a decade: that current state and federal education