Thursday, January 19, 2012

RheeFirst! » The irony of the Data Quality Summit– from an eyewitness account

RheeFirst! » The irony of the Data Quality Summit– from an eyewitness account:

The irony of the Data Quality Summit– from an eyewitness account

This piece was submitted to Rheefirst by “Daequan”–a Summit event participant whose true identity we’ve been able to verify

“I admit it. I went in person to the DQC event to see how Michelle Rhee would handle her cheating reputation. However the audience was never able to ask questions and cheating was never mentioned.

Rhee was apparently unaware that people like me were in the audience. When she described academic progress in one school where she had changed the principal as “unbelievable.” those in the know about the cheating scandal whispered to themselves, “it was unbelievable because it was cheating.” She claimed that the children at this school loved her, fawned over her and are now obsessed with their own student achievement, no