Friday, January 27, 2012

Parents 4 Teachers says, “Call Brizard.” « Fred Klonsky

Parents 4 Teachers says, “Call Brizard.” « Fred Klonsky:

Parents 4 Teachers says, “Call Brizard.”

Hi Fred,
My name is Erica–I’m a CPS parent (going on 14 years in the system!), an avid reader of your blog, and really ticked off at what passes for education debate in the country, state, city these days.
For the last year, I’ve been complaining (to anyone who would listen) that parents need to get organized and stand up to the teacher bashing that is so fashionable these days. The way I see it, as long as the 99 percent and their mouthpieces can blame teachers for what ails education, we’re never going make the real changes we need to improve our schools.
So I and a few friends decided to stop complaining and get to work. We’ve formed a new (very new) and still