Friday, January 13, 2012

NYC Public School Parents: The Williamsburg Latino community fights back against Success charter expansion

NYC Public School Parents: The Williamsburg Latino community fights back against Success charter expansion:

The Williamsburg Latino community fights back against Success charter expansion

In yesterday's State of the City, Mayor Bloomberg said he would encourage Eva Moskowitz' Success Academy charter chain and KIPP to accelerate their expansion. He may have a fight on his hands. First, see the stickers being pasted all over the glossy recruiting ads in the Williamsburg subways and bus stops for her new charter, to be co-located in MS 50. (thanks to GothamSchools for the photo to the right.)

According to many observers, Eva Moskowitz is recruiting almost exclusively in the northern, primarily white sections of Williamsburg. (This is a practice she followed with the Upper West Success charter on the Upper West side, holding recruiting sessions in the