Saturday, January 14, 2012

NYC Educator: Kim Jong-Un Hearts Mayor Mike

NYC Educator: Kim Jong-Un Hearts Mayor Mike:

Kim Jong-Un Hearts Mayor Mike

Yo, my peeps. It's me, Kim Jong-Un, and let me say, yo, I am blown away by this Bloomberg dude. I mean, here I am, the Supreme Leader, and there's this little fat dude doing everything I want to do and more!!!!

First of all, this merit pay thing is sheer genius, dude. I mean, like, I can barely find the cash to pay my armies, and then, like, I'm supposed to feed my people and stuff, and it's all, like, ya know, too much. But if I could just, like, promise stuff, and give it to people now and then, I could, like, save a tonof casherino, baby! That's a new palace, maybe several, with Imax screens, like, just for playing Angry Birds!

And You Are There...
