Friday, January 20, 2012

Mother Crusader: Of Course

Mother Crusader: Of Course:

Of Course

I got all of 6 hours to enjoy the fourth denial of Tikun Olam. I went out to dinner with my closest co-conspirators, our kids and our husbands to celebrate. And then I came home and read Jessica Calefati's piece in the Ledger:

Noticeably absent from today’s list were proposed charter schools in high performing suburban districts like Highland Park, South Orange-Maplewood and Montclair.
Good so far, keep going...
In recent months, parents, teachers and elected officials in these communities

THIS Is Who Amir Khan Is Governor Christie! Now What?

This was sent to me by DefeatNJBullies on Twitter. I should be posting about the DENIAL OF TIKUN OLAM right now, but I can't get over this. I have to share it. NOW.

How, HOW can people that feel this way about the rights of fellow human beings be given money BY THE STATE to teach children? How will they treat gay parents, teachers or students?

This alone should be reason NOT to let Regis Academy open. Aughtney is at 2:47 and Amir at 3:03. It's short