Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Missouri Education Watchdog: Thoughts on the Costs of the New Apple Education Revolution. Who Pays for it? Who Can Afford it?

Missouri Education Watchdog: Thoughts on the Costs of the New Apple Education Revolution. Who Pays for it? Who Can Afford it?:

Thoughts on the Costs of the New Apple Education Revolution. Who Pays for it? Who Can Afford it?

This is an article on Apple's wonderful new revolution in the delivery of education in terms of how much money this will cost individuals and/or taxpayers. It will be quite a bit. Where will the money come from? Tax increases? Have the taxpayers had any say in any such tax increase to cover new educational deliveries and technology which create substantial financial return for private companies?

Apple may have an innovative product that makes learning faster and easier for students. The question is can districts/taxpayers afford such costs in our present economy? How many trillions of dollars of debt is