Sunday, January 1, 2012

Missouri Education Watchdog: The Sunday Education Weekly Reader 01.01.12. Lady Gaga and A Possum Greet You!

Missouri Education Watchdog: The Sunday Education Weekly Reader 01.01.12. Lady Gaga and A Possum Greet You!:

The Sunday Education Weekly Reader 01.01.12. Lady Gaga and A Possum Greet You!

Welcome to the Sunday Education Weekly Reader for 01.01.12. We are using a different logo today in honor of possums everywhere.

Happy New Year! Happy New Year! Happy New Year!

Did you stay up until midnight and celebrate the ushering in of a new year? Most folks at home probably had their televisions turned to the Times Square coverage of the dropping of the LED lit crystal ball. Who was that masked wonder with Mayor Bloomberg on the concert stage? It was none other than Lady Gaga. Maybe her presence is illustrative of a "over the top" year in education and reforms. You can read some fascinating historical facts about the Times Square Ball here.

I don't know about you, but instead of seeing Lady Gaga, I'd rather see live coverage of other New Year's