Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Why is this N.J. charter app being approved?

Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Why is this N.J. charter app being approved?:

Why is this N.J. charter app being approved?

The New Jersey suburb of Highland Park needs a new charter school like a fish needs a bicycle. But after her bogus applications had been rejected three times, and despite community protests, real-estate agent Sharon Akman, may finally get her Tikun Olam Hebrew charter school along with a $600,000 grant, courtesy of Arne Duncan and the D.O.E.

Writes Michael Winerip in Sunday's Times:
For each child who leaves a district to attend a charter, the charter receives 90 percent of the district’s per-pupil spending allotment. In modest-size communities like Highland Park, with a