Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Let’s show Olympia that the majority of folks in our state do NOT want charter schools | Seattle Education

Let’s show Olympia that the majority of folks in our state do NOT want charter schools | Seattle Education:

Let’s show Olympia that the majority of folks in our state do NOT want charter schools

The League of Education Voters and Stand for Children will be in Olympia this Friday with folks bused in to make it appear that everyone in our state wants charter schools. We know that’s not the case so let’s show our representatives in Olympia that charter schools are not the way to go by being there during the hearings that will occur this Friday at 1:15 PM. If you cannot attend, please contact your representatives via e-mail or give them a call and let them know that we will not allow our public schools to be taken over by the wave of privatization that has swept the country.

Anyone, including taxpayers, students, parents, teachers and activists who do not want to see the ongoing