Friday, January 6, 2012

Jersey Jazzman: My Commenters Rock, TN-style!

Jersey Jazzman: My Commenters Rock, TN-style!:

My Commenters Rock, TN-style!

The always awesome jcg (come on, girl, start a blog already!) left a great comment about the clownish teacher evaluation system in Tennessee, which I now shamelessly steal as free material for a lazy Friday:

Hi Jazzman,
Do you know how difficult it is to walk into a classroom of 25 enthusiastic pre-service teachers and try to explain to them that sociopaths designed and adopted the TN TEAM evaluation system and they will be forced to endure it if they stay in the state to teach?

TN's Teach for America cultists in DoE insist that a 1 -5 Likert scale and an incomplete checklist of teacher behaviors is ALWAYS reliable and valid, not a principal's lying eyes, or, gasp, a teacher's