Sunday, January 8, 2012

H.R. 1891 To Strip Funding for Music and Arts | JTMP.Org

H.R. 1891 To Strip Funding for Music and Arts | JTMP.Org:

H.R. 1891 To Strip Funding for Music and Arts

By CR - Posted on 26 May 2011

Today, a bill that would deliver a devastating blow to arts in schools was approved by the U.S. House of Representatives' Committee on Education and the Workforce. The Committee voted 23-16 to approve H.R. 1891, legislation sponsored by Representative Duncan Hunter (R-CA) that would eliminate all funding for the federal Arts in Education Program. The bill will now proceed to the full House of Representatives for consideration.

Contact your Representative now by clicking here and let your them know that you oppose H.R. 1891 and its shortsighted cuts to valuable arts education programs. Just a minute of your time is all it takes to help protect funding for the arts in America's public schools. With your voice we have a chance.