Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Geaux Teacher!: Senator Landrieu vs. Public Education?

Geaux Teacher!: Senator Landrieu vs. Public Education?:

Senator Landrieu vs. Public Education?

"Mary Landrieu walks tightrope on Bobby Jindal's education plans"

My comment to the article linked above on NOLA.com:

Senator Landrieu does NOT represent, dare I say a majority, of Democrats on education issues. Her support of U.S.Secretary of Education Arne Duncan's destructive and intrusive education initiatives are just another example of POLITICS over PRINCIPLE that is so pervasive and destructive now. It is hoped that Obama will CANDuncan when he realizes that the privatization of public schools that is the aim of his reform agenda is dissolving a HUGE base of support that he previously enjoyed.

When I last visited Senator Landrieu's offices in Washington in August of 2011, she was, of course, not available