Monday, January 30, 2012

Florida Parent Groups Oppose Walton Family-Funded, Bush-Supported Bill to Increase Taxpayer Dollars to Privately Owned Charter Schools | Scathing Purple Musings

Florida Parent Groups Oppose Walton Family-Funded, Bush-Supported Bill to Increase Taxpayer Dollars to Privately Owned Charter Schools | Scathing Purple Musings:

Florida Parent Groups Oppose Walton Family-Funded, Bush-Supported Bill to Increase Taxpayer Dollars to Privately Owned Charter Schools

Calling out Senator Steve Wise’s deceptively named , An Education Act, a coalition of parent activists say:

“Against the backdrop of $4 Billion dollars in brutal cuts to traditional public schools made by the Florida Legislature, we strongly oppose the efforts of Senator Wise to force districts to hand over limited revenues meant for school construction to pay for privately owned charter facilities. These are funds from the taxpayer/voter supported millage levy specifically meant to keep publicly-owned school facilities safe and modern. Voters never intended to use this revenue to improve, maintain, rent, build, or buy facilities for private people. Further, both the House and Senate