Sunday, January 15, 2012

The FBI’s Attempt to Blackmail Martin Luther King Into Suicide « Student Activism

The FBI’s Attempt to Blackmail Martin Luther King Into Suicide « Student Activism:

The FBI’s Attempt to Blackmail Martin Luther King Into Suicide

I wrote about this last year and while it’s not exactly a secret, it’s a story surprisingly few people know, so I think it’s worth repeating:

In November 1964, weeks before Martin Luther King was to travel to Oslo to receive the Nobel Peace Prize, an anonymous correspondent sent him a package in the mail. The package contained an audiotape, and a letter.

The tape was a compilation of material recorded via Bureau wiretaps over the previous year. It consisted of off-color jokes and remarks King had made in private, among friends, interspersed with the sounds of him having sex with someone other than his wife. The letter included the following challenge:

King, look into your heart. You know you are a complete fraud and a great liability … you are no clergyman, and you know it. … You could have been our greatest leader. You, even at an early age have turned out to