Thursday, January 19, 2012

Diane Ravitch: Embattled teachers need support, not more testing - Lodi News-Sentinel: News

Diane Ravitch: Embattled teachers need support, not more testing - Lodi News-Sentinel: News:

Diane Ravitch: Embattled teachers need support, not more testing

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Posted: Thursday, January 19, 2012 12:00 am

Diane Ravitch believes public school teachers are getting bashed for problems beyond their control. She's strongly critical of standardized testing, which she says is corroding public education, not building it.
She is an author, professor, and former Assistant Secretary of Education who is speaking in Sacramento Friday to the Coalition to Save Public Education. Many local teachers plan to attend her presentation.
Ravitch answered questions by phone from her San Francisco hotel on how to measure academic success and how charter schools affect local school districts. Below is an edited