Sunday, January 29, 2012

Daily Kos: The School to Prison Pipeline

Daily Kos: The School to Prison Pipeline:

The School to Prison Pipeline

is the title of the current, winter issue of the truly essential publication Rethinking Schools. As important as issues like excessive testing and privatization are to the future of American public schools, how we aree allowing them to increasingly serve as feeders for our criminal justice system is equally important. The editors of this essential publication are to be commended for the focus they bring to the topic, which is why I am devoting this posting to the current edition.

Before I do anything else, let me urge you to consider subscribing as one way of supporting the important workRethinking Schools does, and/or perhaps making a contribution to help the sustaining this kind of important journalism in education.

As the editors make clear in their introductory editorial, Stop the School-to-Prison Pipeline this is a matter of equal justice and civil rights, as they pose the question

What if many of our students—particularly our African American, Latina/o, Native American, and