Sunday, January 29, 2012

A City Education: The Domino Effect of Raising Students' Self-Esteem - Education - GOOD

A City Education: The Domino Effect of Raising Students' Self-Esteem - Education - GOOD:

A City Education: The Domino Effect of Raising Students' Self-Esteem

In our A City Education series, two City Year corps members share their experiences working as tutors and mentors in schools in hopes of closing the achievement gap and ending the dropout crisis.

Many of the students we work with at Markham Middle School are just beginning to become more aware of their actions. The students who act up in class know they are doing it. But like many kids their age, when they’re called on their behavior, sometimes they play the "victim" and say what’s going on is not their fault.

Because we’ve gotten to know our students individually, we’re often able to decipher why they act the way they