Thursday, January 26, 2012

Big Education Ape: 1-26-12 Bill Gates: 'Have to raises taxes'EDition #OWS

Big Education Ape: Ed News Now:
Big Education Ape: Ed News Now

Published by Coopmike48 – 7 news spotters today

2012 Annual Letter From Bill Gates - Throughout m y careers in software and philanthropy—and in each of my annual letters—a recurring theme has been that innovation is the key to improving the world. When innovators work on urgent prob...


Bill Gates: 'Have to raises taxes' - MJ Lee - Bill Gates said Thursday that the county’s has got to hike taxes and the wealthy should shoulder a greater burden of the increase, while he rejected any close correlation between job creation and t...


Concerns with the MDRC study on small schools released today - MDRC released a study today, which the NY Times writes “appeared to validate the Bloomberg administration’s decade-long push to create small schools to replace larger, failing high schools.” The r...


Some parents oppose longer school day - Chicago Sun - BY ROSALIND ROSSI Staff Reporter January 26, 2012 1:00AM Updated: January 26, 2012 2:54AM Parents charged Wednesday that the opposition to a 71/2 hour school day touted by Mayor Rahm Emanuel is str...


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coopmike48 BREAKING: One hundred Brooklyn community members and Occupiers peacefully disrupt foreclosure auction | - #ows4 minutes ago · reply · retweet · favorite

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leoniehaimson Video: across NYC communities are saying NO to charters; but the mayor ignores us; why? Because the 1% rules? minutes ago · reply · retweet · favorite

EducationSee all

- The Washington Post - A new study commissioned by D.C. Mayor Vincent C. Gray recommends that the city turn around or close more than three dozen traditional public schools in its poorest neighborhoods and expand the num...


CRC Press Online - Book: The Crime Numbers Game - Features Presents a critical analysis of Compstat based upon primary research Uses data from the NYPD available only to the authors Discusses both academic and practitioner views Contains numerous ...


Life in Rahm’s Chicago. Thursday edition. « Fred Klonsky - Rahm doesn’t think pay-for-protesters is a problem. And his hand-picked board of education seems to have skipped a step. They’re budgeting for turnarounds before all the public hearings and before ...


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PoliticsSee all

Newt Gingrich, Space Keynesian | TPMDC - Sahil Kapur January 26, 2012, 11:10 AM Newt Gingrich’s case for boosting federal investments into private sector space projects awkwardly embraces a core tenet of modern liberalism: the belief that...


GOP salutes Obama's ed policies - A GOP salute At least there's someone who likes Obama/Duncan ed policies. "Republicans tonight salute our President, for instance, for his aggressive pursuit of the murderers of 9/11, and for brave...


Rahm's hired army of protesters under investigation - Pharaoh's army got drowndedO Mary don't you weep The Sun-Times reports: The Chicago Public Schools inspector general said Wednesday he is investigating reports that bused protesters were paid t...


StoriesSee all

iWork 18 hours a day - Update 5th Jan 2011 — This piece is being used in the campaign to tell Apple to Stop Slavery Practices at Foxconn’s Manufacturies. Please have a look, sign & promote!


Commentary: LEAPing into the new, and the confusing - This article was submitted by Louise Smith, a longtime Denver-area teacher. “I’ve been LEAPed,” said my friend the last day before Christmas break. She was referring to the results of her trip thro...


Win a $5000 Tent or a Laptop for Your Occupation! - Occupy Supply command post tent at Occupy Rochester Occupy Supply is announcing a contest to give away five 11′ x 11′ command post tents worth $5000 each, three media laptops equipped with webcams ...


BusinessSee all

Bernanke to deliver 4 college lectures on Fed - WASHINGTON—Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke will take a brief step back into his former life as a college professor.The Fed says Bernanke will deliver four lectures on the Federal Reserve and ...


Why All the Robo-signing? - The Wall Street Journal reported on January 19th that the Obama Administration was pushing heavily to get the 50 state attorneys general to agree to a settlement with five major banks in the “robo-...


Art & EntertainmentSee all

Recommend a Book to Mayor Bloomberg - January 25, 2012, 8:25 pm By THE NEW YORK TIMESDuring a visit to a high school English class in the Bronx, Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg revealed his love for the John le Carré classic, “Tinker, Tailo...


Obama: 'Don't Cry Over Spilt Milk' - 'Don't Cry Over Spilt Milk'**Where did the phrase 'Don't Cry Over Spilt Milk' Originate?Almost certainly in England, but it's hard to say when. The earliest instance with the words 'cry' and 'spil...


#eduRead this paperSee all

Jersey Jazzman: NOLA: Charter Nirvana - Jersey Jazzman: NOLA: Charter Nirvana:NOLA: Charter Nirvanaby DukeRick Hess took the week off and left the keys to his blog with Neerav Kingsland, the chief strategy officer for New Schools for New...


#owsSee all

Occupy Buffalo & What to Do with Homeless People - John Washington, who is part of a core group of occupiers with Occupy Buffalo that work on multiple working groups to keep the momentum of the occupation alive, talked with me about the camp’s atti...


Win a $5000 Tent or a Laptop for Your Occupation! - Occupy Supply command post tent at Occupy Rochester Occupy Supply is announcing a contest to give away five 11′ x 11′ command post tents worth $5000 each, three media laptops equipped with webcams ...
