Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Big backing for Brown’s tax increase | Thoughts on Public Education

Big backing for Brown’s tax increase | Thoughts on Public Education:

Sacramento school a case study for NCLB waiver - by Kathryn Baron

A couple hundred children sitting cross-legged covered the floor of the multipurpose room at Oak Ridge Elementary School in Sacramento. Behind them, parents, grandparents, and siblings filled rows of metal folding chairs, while teachers stood beside their students. The room was abuzz with excitement as principal Doug Huscher bounded onto the stage and led everyone [...]

Big backing for Brown’s tax increase - by John Fensterwald - Educated Guess

The proportion of Californians who favor Gov. Jerry Brown’s proposed tax initiative has increased: 72 percent say they support it, compared with 65 percent when asked a month ago, according to the latest poll by the Public Policy Institute of California. Among likely voters, the support is slightly less: 68 percent, up 8 percentage points [...]