Friday, December 9, 2011

What the NEA’s Dennis Van Roekel isn’t saying to the membership. « Fred Klonsky

What the NEA’s Dennis Van Roekel isn’t saying to the membership. « Fred Klonsky:

What the NEA’s Dennis Van Roekel isn’t saying to the membership.

NEA President Dennis Van Roekel released a press statement yesterday that said a little and concealed a lot.

Every NEA member and every teacher ought to be concerned with the direction the national leadership of our Association is moving. It more closely resembles the views of the sell-outs who head the Illinois Association. The IEA is the most conciliatory state leadership in the country when it comes to defending employee rights and supporting phony reforms.

Last summer, around the time of the NEA RA in Chicago, Van Roekel established a commission to make recommendations about teacher effectiveness.

Advising the commission was Tim Daly, President of the New Teacher Project and Fred Hess of the right-wing