Thursday, December 1, 2011

What Happened to My Grade Book?: The Problem with Products

What Happened to My Grade Book?: The Problem with Products:

The Problem with Products

We have productized everything! Products are of great value to Americans. Things. Stuff. More. Jones'. We like our stuff. I'm not excluding myself here either. But, when I sit back and evaluate what is going on in public schools and education reform to create solutions, I keep coming back to products. Products are a problem.

The conversation regarding key elements in education reform is getting somewhere. I am thrilled. Earlier today, I watched today this video, Eric Ries: How The U.S. Education System Is Failing Students . This is following my reading of this article a few months ago. Steve Denning's Forbes article The Single Best Idea for Reforming K-12 Education. Before this, Jamie Vollmer told his ah-ha moment Blueberry Story to a captive audience when I was teaching, probably around 2002. Yes, it's taken me about 10 years to get it, but I think I finally get it. And thank