Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Washington Post Pays Kaplan CEO $76 million while students left $50,000 in debt and Senator Durbin calls for investigation into for-profit predatory college CEO pay | Dailycensored.com

Washington Post Pays Kaplan CEO $76 million while students left $50,000 in debt and Senator Durbin calls for investigation into for-profit predatory college CEO pay | Dailycensored.com:

Washington Post Pays Kaplan CEO $76 million while students left $50,000 in debt and Senator Durbin calls for investigation into for-profit predatory college CEO pay

On December 12, 2011, Maryland Congressman Elijah Cummings sent letters to the CEO’s of 13 for-profit colleges requesting information on executive compensation packages to investigate “how the structure of your executive-compensation packages affects the performance of students educated with taxpayer funds.” Cummings is a member of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee” (Chronicle of Higher Education, Key Congressman Begins Inquiry Into Executive Pay at For-Profit Colleges, December 12, 2011, Goldie Blumenstyk http://chronicle.com/article/Key-Congressman-Begins-Inquiry/130090/).

According to the Chronicle of Higher Education:

“In each individualized letter, Representative Cummings, from Maryland, noted the high proportion of revenues coming to the company via federal aid, the rate