Friday, December 9, 2011

Throwing money at school problems is more efficient than dropping it from helicopters. « Fred Klonsky

Throwing money at school problems is more efficient than dropping it from helicopters. « Fred Klonsky:

Throwing money at school problems is more efficient than dropping it from helicopters.

Last night Anne and I were over at Weegee’s, a local bar in west Logan Square, where they were holding an annual fundraiser for Unity Park.

Unity Park once was a little playlot. In Chicago, a playlot is couple hundred square feet of wood chips, some swings, a jungle jim, a slide and two hoops. But as a result of community involvement and battles with past alderman, including a sit-in to keep her from taking away a basketball court (basketball brings in the “wrong element,” according to the now defeated alderman), the playlot expanded into a real park with a water feature,