Saturday, December 10, 2011

They eat kids, don’t they? Destroying the teaching profession in Wisconsin: Virtual vouchers are next |

They eat kids, don’t they? Destroying the teaching profession in Wisconsin: Virtual vouchers are next |

They eat kids, don’t they? Destroying the teaching profession in Wisconsin: Virtual vouchers are next

This is from Larry Miller’s blog out of Wisconsin. Not only are Walker’s policies destroying the teacher’s union and the desire on behalf of teachers to teach, but with all this he is destroying the lives of both the children ‘born’ (of which he has nothing but contempt) and the ‘unborn’ (whom he says he loves so much).

This is all keeping with the national capitalist plan and the plan is clear: 1). assure that the material conditions of education are reassembled in such a way that no critical thinking can or will be taught, and 2). reduce the profession to that of a WalMart worker, or best said ‘an associate’ or an appendage to a machine, for we don’t want to use the word ‘worker’ or ‘working class’, do we?

This is the same game plan being pursued all over the US by individual states at