Monday, December 19, 2011

Temper Tantrum on Capitol Hill - America's Union Movement:

I just got a message from our Government Affairs director, Bill Samuel, telling me about a temper tantrum on Capitol Hill.

It’s flat-out heartless for lawmakers to go home and enjoy the holidays, while their political posturing causes millions of families across America to suffer anxiety and heartbreak. But House Speaker John Boehner is threatening to do just that.

He says he’ll block unemployment aid and raise taxes on working families—even though 89 senators from both sides of the aisle already voted to extend the aid and keep the tax cut in place.

Failing to extend emergency unemployment aid and middle-class tax cuts is cruel and wrong.Cruel because it takes away a lifeline for families that need it. Wrong because it delivers two massive blows to our fragile economy.

I need you to stop what you’re doing, pick up the phone and dial 1-888-245-3381. Tell the person who answers the phone: “Please pass the Senate’s bill to extend unemployment aid and middle-class tax cuts immediately.”

You can also call House Speaker John Boehner at 202-225-0600. Tell him, “ You and your Tea Party supporters can’t keep hurting the American people just so you can get what you want. Stop this temper tantrum and pass the Senate’s bipartisan bill to extend unemployment aid and middle-class tax cuts now.”

If you want to learn more about the deal, keep reading. I’m forwarding a message from Bill. But the most important thing is for you to pick up the phone, right now.
-----Original Message-----

From: Bill Samuel
Sent: Monday, December 19, 2011 10:40 AM
To: Richard L. Trumka
Subject: Temper Tantrum on Capitol Hill


As I mentioned this weekend, the Senate passed a bipartisan deal with 89 votes to keep emergency unemployment benefits going for two months and extend middle-class tax cuts.

This was not just a bipartisan deal--it passed with an overwhelming super-majority.

This two-month extension seemed like a done deal. But this morning, we got word that John Boehner and his Tea Party friends are threatening to blow up the whole thing. The Senate has already left town. This is really bad.

The only thing that might be able to save emergency unemployment and middle-class tax cuts is a flood of phone calls from outraged constituents. Can you ask our activists to make emergency phone calls today?

The toll-free number we need people to call today is 1-888-245-3381.People should demand their representative pass the Senate's bipartisan bill to extend unemployment aid and tax cuts for working families.

They can also call House Speaker John Boehner and tell him the same thing. His number is 202-225-0600.

A House vote is expected as early as 6:30 p.m. eastern time tonight, but people should keep calling in and spreading the word to friends and family in case the vote gets delayed.

I wish I had better news--but with activists' help we might be able to make this come out OK.

-- Bill