Sunday, December 25, 2011

Teachers union sues Sacramento City schools over seniority rights in layoffs - Sacramento News - Local and Breaking Sacramento News | Sacramento Bee

Teachers union sues Sacramento City schools over seniority rights in layoffs - Sacramento News - Local and Breaking Sacramento News | Sacramento Bee:

Teachers union sues Sacramento City schools over seniority rights in layoffs


The Sacramento City Unified School District is fighting a civil lawsuit filed by its teachers union over teacher seniority rights in rehiring after layoffs.

The Sacramento City Teachers Association's lawsuit comes months after the union fought the district's decision to utilize a seldom used provision in Education Code in order to not layoff teachers at six persistently low-performing schools.

The result of the civil lawsuit in Sacramento Superior Court could have implications on a growing movement by some of the largest California districts. More and more districts are deviating from purely seniority-based layoffs and in the ensuing rehiring process.

"We just want to see everyone treated equally instead of some getting special treatment," said SCTA President Scott Smith. "Basically, we are saying the way in which they skipped