Wednesday, December 21, 2011

SOUTH BRONX SCHOOL: Venting In A Dramatic Monologue Sort Of Way

SOUTH BRONX SCHOOL: Venting In A Dramatic Monologue Sort Of Way:

Venting In A Dramatic Monologue Sort Of Way

I am getting sick and tired of teacher bashing. I am sick and tired of blaming the teachers. I am sick and tired of the deformers.

Imagine what it is like to come to work every day and be hit by the equivalent of a 2X4 in the face every day. Imagine what it must be like to come to work when the night before your spouse left you, your child said they hate you, your parent is dying. A teacher has no choice but to shove it all away the minute 8 30 comes and turn that frown upside down in some demented smile while knowing that they are not allowed to be human.

I am getting fed up with hearing that