Wednesday, December 7, 2011

SOUTH BRONX SCHOOL: An Inane Soliloquy Of Venting

SOUTH BRONX SCHOOL: An Inane Soliloquy Of Venting:

An Inane Soliloquy Of Venting

I am thisclose to being fed up with teaching. With education. With the NYC DOE.

I'm tired of hearing the rhetoric of "students first" or children first." It's all bullshit. The more one claims its about the students, the less it is.

This "passing the buck," shit ain't working either. The only people out there who do not pass the buck are the teachers. Everyone else, administrators, parents, superintendents, short mayors with several Freudian complexes, chancellors, Tweedies, politicians, school shrinks, hedge fund managers, when are they going to see what we see? When will their eyes be pried open to not only look in the mirror, but to look around at the true