Sunday, December 25, 2011

Schools Matter: Will Haslam Continue to Lead TN Schools Continue Down the Corporate Rabbit Hole?

Schools Matter: Will Haslam Continue to Lead TN Schools Continue Down the Corporate Rabbit Hole?:

Separate and Unequal in Body and Mind

by Judy Rabin
While the scrooges in the halls of Congress, the multi-billion dollar testing industry and the greedy, fascist proponents of more tests to measure and punish poor students and those who teach them sit down to their Christmas dinner, here's yet another story that is finally changing the conversation about education from "no excuses" to "it's the poverty, stupid."
A country that is now obviously divided along the lines of haves and have nots, when it comes to

Will Haslam Continue to Lead TN Schools Continue Down the Corporate Rabbit Hole?

As Jim "Gradgrind" McIntyre and his billionaire patron, Eli Broad, continue their school corporatization campaign in the eastern end of the state of Tennessee (now Ground Zero for corporate education reform), Gates Foundation stooges lead the assault in the western end with a new wish list of dysfunctional corporate charter schools. In Memphis, local school officials have called a halt to more corporate welfare charters, pending a recommendation by the State Treasurer to be followed by a final decision by the State Board of Education in Nashville, where corporate lawyer and former member of the creepy Teach for America sits as Commissioner of Education. Scary.

At stake are millions of dollars in desperately-needed public school funds that could be