Monday, December 26, 2011

Schools Matter: Plenty of Left-Over Fruitcake for 2012: Abstinence Only Surges On

Schools Matter: Plenty of Left-Over Fruitcake for 2012: Abstinence Only Surges On:

Plenty of Left-Over Fruitcake for 2012: Abstinence Only Surges On

From AlterNet:
Reproductive-health experts breathed a sigh of relief in 2009 when President Barack Obama did away with over a decade of funding for abstinence-only funding under previous administrations (which had added up to more than $1.5 billion over ten years). But now, abstinence-only looks to be back on the conservative agenda.

Under Bush, ab-only had become the norm in most U.S. schools, even though study after study [PDF] had revealed its ineffectiveness in reducing the number of teen pregnancies and reducing the spread of disease. According to the Journal of Adolescent Health, virginity pledges–a staple of abstinence-only programming–not only failed to decrease teen STD rates, but actually resulted in pledge-takers avoiding medical attention once infected, leading to increased chances of transmission. So it appeared science had prevailed when President Obama’s