Friday, December 30, 2011

Schools Matter: "nothing left to do but opt out"

Schools Matter: "nothing left to do but opt out":

"nothing left to do but opt out"

From Tim Slekar posted at HuffPo:
"If you oppose state testing, please contact your Senator and Representative... they can change, what we cannot." Superintendent.
Since our district's superintendent has decided to actively fight the opt-out movement I have tried to engage him by sending him articles that document the folly of high stakes testing and writing letter's explaining the opt out motives. I thought that we might enter into a civil discussion concerning government mandated public school reform as defined by the corporate elite.

I came across a Marion Brady article posted by Valerie Strauss. The Brady article hit some excellent points so I decided to forward it to the administrators of our district -- superintendent included. I received a response rather quickly to the Brady article from our superintendent.

The superintendent said that he agreed that research does not support high stakes testing and