Monday, December 26, 2011

Schools Matter: Bilingual education, yes. But high levels of English requires access to books.

Schools Matter: Bilingual education, yes. But high levels of English requires access to books.:

Bilingual education, yes. But high levels of English requires access to books.

Helping Language Minority Students Develop a Reading Habit
Sent to the Daily Breeze (Torrance, CA), Dec 26
Re: Non-English speakers' failures hit schools (Dec 24):

Bilingual education works. Children in bilingual programs consistently do better than children in all-English programs on tests of English reading. Also, studies have shown that the dismantling of bilingual programs in California after Prop. 227 did not lead to better English language development.

Bilingual education is not enough, however. As noted in the Breeze, language minority children are very often