Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Rahm’s big money pals buy the Sun-Times. Then criticize teachers. « Fred Klonsky

Rahm’s big money pals buy the Sun-Times. Then criticize teachers. « Fred Klonsky:

Rahm’s big money pals buy the Sun-Times. Then criticize teachers.

The old sage once said, “Freedom of the press belongs to those that own one.”

Rahm’s big money backers understand that too well. They bought the Sun-Times last week. And this week they editorialize against the Chicago Teachers Union for their direct action style and protest of school closings and turnarounds.

By the way have you read the Sun-Times recently. Me neither.

Well, that’s not exactly true. I was at Joe’s over on Fullerton getting a haircut and a shave. There was a copy sitting next to me while I waited for a chair.

It had shrunk! It’s now this tiny little thing. But there was room for this:

We appreciate great street theater. We also love to see parents and teachers tell the board it has